Friday, January 1, 2010

Follow My Progress on Twitter

Phil tells me that Twitter is the only way!

Click on the logo below to follow my progress for the Boston Marathon!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Phil Brabbs - The Fighting Wolverine

Here is a fantastic article (click here) about Phil Brabbs a former Michigan Wolverine placekicker and a cousin of a good friend of mine. The reason this blog exists is because of Phil. He encouraged me earlier this year to spread my message using social media and to continue to raise funds and awareness.

Here is Phil's blog as well - Multiple Myeloma For Dummies.

Please help me root for Phil as he fights valiantly.

Go Blue!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Boston Here We Come

When I completed the NYC Marathon I took a very brief moment to reflect what was next...Ran Chicago, Miami, Detroit, NYC, Marine Corps...The premier event was left. But I was 28 minutes shy of qualifying for my age group. But those that know me know I don't take no for an answer very easily. I applied late (very late) to be a part of the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge (DFMC) Team for Boston.

I didn't know what to expect. I've been very successful in raising money for my cause. But wasn't sure if the Dana-Farber team would want me this late in the game...BUT THEY DID!! And together we fight for to cross the ultimate finish line - a world without cancer.

So I have 4 months to train and to raise $5,000. The DFMC raises funds for the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research at Dana-Farber. Established by J. Wayne and Delores Barr Weaver in 1987, the Claudia Adams Barr Program fosters scientific breakthroughs by advancing the work of gifted researchers in a variety of basic research disciplines. The DFMC directs 100% of funds raised to the Barr Program, which enables scientists at the leading edge of discovery to achieve better cure rates and to enhance patients' quality of life.

I hope you will support my challenge by giving a gift to my run and, in doing so, help bring an end to the challenge of cancer.

Please click on the below link for donations.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Wow! What an amazing experience to be part of something larger than life --- 44,000 runners and nearly 3 million spectators. We had to once in awhile look around to see what we were really part of. A mass of humanity marching step after step throughout the boroughs of one of world's greatest cities. March on!

Mark and I endured the ups and downs of any race. Extremely frustrated for about 10 miles because we couldn't move any direction to break free from the pack. Sprint this way, cut this way. Nothing. There were a few elbows and f-bombs along the way, but we persevered. I struggled in the middle of the race with a massive headache. Mark struggled late in the race with cramps and a hamstring twinge. But true to form and partnership - we pushed and pulled each other.

The things we saw on the course:
  • a man dressed like a chicken running. He blew past us and then we past him
  • a man dressed in a tiger costume, same thing for him
  • then at mile 26.1 I came up on a man dressed like a parrot and started taunting him as we raced to the finish line and Mark and I left him in the dust
We might have goofed off a bit too much in Queens seeking Johnny Drama, Vince and the boys form Entourage, but all worth it.

So many different people, languages, body shapes, running forms and spectators.
And Kevin!!! He nailed his first marathon. So proud of him too.

As I came around mile 25 in Central Park I became very inspired running for all those that can't because of cancer and all those that support me.

Thank you all again! We raised a ton of money for a great cause and I hit my personal best marathon time.

Time to go rest and recover and plan for 2010!!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Here We Go!!!!

I'm on a train headed into NYC and realizing that this is really happening! The NYC Marathon - the granddaddy of them all. It's like my own personal Rose Bowl and Lloyd and Bo standing over me as proud as ever. When I ran Detroit in 2004 I never thought I'd run another - let alone 6 and let alone NYC!

Then somewhere along the line my friends and I entered the lottery for NYC. Each June we'd check. "Nope". You get 3 years and then the 4th you get in. So here we are - Kevin Mark and me - in NYC in year 4! And its exciting!

I don't know how many more I have and where I have them. Maybe 10?!?

I know that with all of the help from my "team" this has become my personal mission. We'll hit nearly $21k this year and over $90k cumulatively. Maybe its 10 marathons and a cool quarter million! No clue.

I know that tomorrow when Mark and I line up together to run NYC I am proud of those that support me and we are going to live in the moment to enjoy 3 1/2-4 hrs. The people, the cheers, the boroughs, the laughs. And enjoy my feet hitting the ground thousands of times because THEY CAN and I run for those who CAN'T. And a quick shout out to Kevin who's running his first marathon. I won't be with you by your side but you've inspire me man!

Let's get 'er done!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Twas The Night Before the Marathon

I've been meaning to get this blog started WEEKS ago...But for various reasons I have not made it to my keyboard until this very moment. This moment which finds me 6 days before the New York City Marathon. As you can read to the right about "M Go Run" me and "my team" are on a very special mission - to help fight cancer and provide support for families and friends of those impacted.

I set out this year with a hugely ambitious goal - to raise $29,000 and propel my fundraising over 5 years and 6 marathons across the $100,000 mark. I sent personal letters to many of the Michigan football alum in the NFL pleading. I have sent out countless fundraiser reminders. And so far we have made a tremendous dent in the fundraising goal at nearly $19,000. But it's nearing pencils down time for 2009.

During this fundraising period, I have had some friends and family go into remission, some friends and family newly diagnosed and some friends and family still fighting the good fight. One thing is for certain, cancer is not going away any time soon.

I'm often asked "why do you do it?" It's simple - because I can. Because I have the ability to run 26.2 miles and train over 500 miles in a 17 week period. I have the ability to create a team of friends and family to help contribute monetarily to the cause. And because it is the right thing to do.

A new friend of mine - Phil - encouraged me to set up this blog. It's my call to action across the Internet. Forward it. Pass it along. Help me help others. Help me hit the $29,000 goal with 6 days left.

Anyone wanting to contribute can just click HERE and it will take them to my personal fundraising link at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Thank you so much for your contributions, support and cheering!
